
Choosing your perfect TV setup: Knowing the difference between HD, Full HD, SD, 4K & 8K television resolution.

Not so many years ago we were all satisfied with our TV set up as long as we could make out the images on our screens. Sometimes, we even put up with a bit of ‘screen fuzz’ for particularly exotic channels.

Now, not only do we expect crystal clear TV images, crisp graphics, and shows from all over the world; there are so many options to achieve it. We’re truly spoilt for choice.

We’ve written before about how to make sure you choose the best company to install your antenna. This time around we’re jargon-busting and explaining the different types of TV resolution and which one you should choose for your home set-up.

What are the TV resolution options?

SD, HD, 4K, and 8K are all technical terms to refer to the quality of picture you’re likely to experience on your device. Generally speaking, higher picture quality is determined by the number of pixels displayed on the screen. A pixel is a tiny square on the screen, displaying information or part of an image. The more pixels, and the smaller they are, the more detailed and sharp the image will appear. This is especially relevant if you have a massive TV!

An explanation of the most important terms can be found below, alongside their pixel-ratings but width and height of the screen (remember the higher the pixels, the better the visuals):

SD – Standard Definition 720×576
HD – High Definition 1280×720
Full HD 1920×1080
4K – sometimes called UHD (Ultra High Definition) 3840×2160
8K 7680×4320

How to ensure super-sharp visuals:

If you’re hoping for super-sharp visuals on your TV screens, you need to think about these 3 factors:

1) Is my equipment up to the job? 

If you’re still using a TV set from 1989 it goes without saying that you’re not going to achieve the crisp graphics you deserve! Check the capabilities of your TV, receiver box, and antenna: if they are HD, 8K, etc ready you’re good to go. If not, it might be worth upgrading. You will always be limited to what your TV and set-top box is capable of receiving.

2) What service am I streaming?

Even if your TV and receiver box is set up to display higher-pixel displays, they will only do so if you’re receiving the relevant broadcast. Standard Australian channels generally broadcast in SD—in fact they are required to by the government. Some broadcasters also offer additional HD channels. More recently there is movement towards providing free 4K TV for Australians, though this is still in the trial stage.  Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon will generally have options for you to choose your picture quality. Just make sure to check your settings to optimise your viewing.

3) What’s my download speed?

The success of all of the above is reliant on your bandwidth speed. Receiving and displaying more information requires a relatively high download speed. You may find that even the most hi-tech gadgets won’t work with a slow connection.

Optimise your home entertainment

At Antenna Pros we’re committed to making sure our customers get the best out of their home entertainment systems. If you think it’s time for an upgrade on your Antenna, one of our sales advisors will happily talk through your options when you call (02) 87104700. Before you know it you’ll be enjoying movie-night at home with the full cinema-style experience—you just need to provide the popcorn!

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